The history of Embiellage Collector merges with its partner SAMR SAS story. Also known as the Metal Rouge brand, it is a French company specialized in all sliding bearings and anti-friction materials technologies.
Founded in 1947 in Troyes, SAMR has a strong experience in the automotive technologies because it was the first business sector applicant for the products of the company. Indeed, Metal Rouge provided bearings for French automotive manufacturers like Peugeot, Renault, Citroën and Simca among others. The parts were available on catalog, manufactured in Troyes and we could found it in many workshops.
However, in the 1970s with the development of new technologies and the inconveniences bound to the productions in very big series, SAMR had to refocus on the heavy industry (petrochemical, railway, naval, steel industry...). These areas are still at the heart of SAMR's outlets, which has become a key player in the world of the rotating machines (engine, compressor, turbine...).
In the early 2000s, SAMR started to receive recurring solicitations for classic cars bearings. Indeed, the oldest customers have already worked with the productions of Metal Rouge and they logically turned again to this company.
Due to that enthusiasm, Lionel Pellevoisin, CEO of SAMR, realized the importance of the classic car market and that it was rising. The automobile know-how within the SAMR still being there, he decided to resume the production by bringing the old technical data of the company out.
Thus, in 2011,with the aim to answer this high demands, he created Embiellage Collector, which has the full technical support of the SAMR while specializing and adapting to the specific demands of classic vehicles.
At the heart of this strategy, you will find a perfect knowledge of the sliding bearings fitted on cars and a stock of parts immediately available. It is supported by an online shop, facilitating exchanges, and the presence of Embiellage Collector on the biggest events dedicated to classic vehicles to meet the collectors.